Workshops & Symposiums
Unit of continuous learning in college of basic education and in collaboration with department of physical education and sport sciences organized course about practical application completion of educational process for potential teachers from 11-12/2/2025
Unit of continuous learning in college of basic education and in collaboration with department of physical education and sport sciences organized a symposium about social stigma effects and treatment on Wednesday 12/2/205
Unit of continuous learning in college of basic education and in collaboration with department of Islamic education organized a symposium about governmental lavishness on Monday 10/2/2025
نظمت وحدة التعليم المستمر في كلية التربية الأساسية بالتعاون مع العتبة الحسينية المقدسة محاضرة عن البذخ الحكومي وذلك يوم الاثنين الموافق 10/2/2025
Department of history college of basic education university of Mosul organized a workshop about the mechanisms of choosing titles of theses and treaties on Thursday 19/12/2024 on umulrabeen hall
College of basic education department of mathematics organised a course for employees about PowerPoint from 10-11/12/2024
College of basic education department of kindergarten organized a workshop about handling autism children from 8-9/12/2024 on alhadbaa hall
Department of history college of basic education organized a workshop about e-libraries on Tuesday 19/11/2024
College of basic education unit of continuous learning in collaboration with department of English language organized a course entitled language, translation and culture from Sunday till Tuesday 17-19/11/2024 on umulrabeen hall
Specialized course
College of basic education unit of continuous learning in collaboration with department of Arabic language organized a specialised course on Sunday 17/11/2024 in the department halls
College of basic education department of kindergarten organized a workshop about studying smart not hard on Thursday 14/11/2024
Unit of continuous learning at college of basic education in collaboration with department of English language organized a specialist symposium about proposed strategy in English language on Thursday 7/11/2024 on umulrabeen hall
Under the patronage of presidency of university of Mosul in completing official documents and certificates a member of teaching staff of department of mathematics organised a workshop about this subject on Sunday 2/11/2024
Unit of continuous learning at college of basic education in collaboration with department of history organized a workshop about developing how to write a historical research on Tuesday 5/11/2024 on umulrabeen hall
College of basic education department of Arabic language in collaboration with unit of continuous learning organized a course on Tuesday 29/10/2024
College of basic education department of mathematics organised a course about texts processor word from 27-29/10/2024
College of basic education department of Arabic language in collaboration with unit of continuous learning organized a course on Monday 21/10/2024
College of basic education committee of women affairs in collaboration with department of science organized a symposium about marriage of teen-agers on Wednesday 26/6/2024
College of basic education department of sciences in collaboration with unit of continuous learning organized a symposium about electronic blackmail on Monday 10/6/2024
College of basic education unit of continuous learning organized a workshop about academic planning path to realise goals