16 August، 2023

Master Thesis Viva _Chemistry Department

Master thesis Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled ” Preparation and Characterization of the biological activity for a number of complexes of transition elements with xanthate ligands and nitrogen ”

The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the Master thesis Viva entitled ” Preparation and Characterization of the biological activity for a number of complexes of transition elements with xanthate ligands and nitrogen”,


On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, the College staff including the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Chemistry, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva.

This study, presented by the master student Mohammed Amin Ali Nahir in the Department of Chemistry, includes preparation and characterization of twenty-for new complexes of some first transition metals series as: Manganese (II) , Iron (II) , Cobalt (II), Nickel (II) , Copper (II) and Zinc (II). with Potassium decyl xanthate (K-DEXANT) ligand

Two types of complexes were synthesized as follow :

1 – Mono nuclear complex of the molar ratio (1:2); (M:K-DEXANT)…..

2 – Mono nuclear complex of the molar ratio ( 1:2:1);[M: K-DEXANT:L]….

These complexes were characterized by several physical methods such as melting points, molar conductance, micro elemental analysis (C.H.N.S ), thermal decomposition(TGA) for ligand and complexes and quantitative elemental (M) analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the magnetic moment measurements as well as the spectral studies such as the infrared spectra , electronic spectra and nuclear magnetic resonance of proton 1HNMR, Gas chromatography– Mass spectrum(GC-MS)

The results of measurements of the molar electrical conductivity of the first and second class complexes indicated that they are non-electrolytic in a solvent (DMF, DMSO). Magnetic sensitivity measurements and electronic spectra indicated that the tetrahedral complexes with the general formula [M(DEXANT)2] took the tetrahedral shape, while the six-symmetric complexes with the formula [M(DEXANT)2.L] took the octahedral shape. In the study, some aspects of the biological effect on the growth of pathogenic bacterial species were applied, as the bacterial activity of ligands and complexes was applied to two types of bacteria: positive for gram dye (Staphylococcus aureus) and negative for gram dye (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp) and using the etching method. It was found that these compounds have an effectiveness of varying strength in inhibiting the growth of the studied bacteria

The Viva committee was chaired by Asst. Prof. Dr. Amal Younis Reda / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Samaa Raouf Adnan / Northern Technical University/ Mosul Technical Institute, Asst. Prof. Dr. Anwer Mohamed Amin Abdullah / University of Mosul / College Basic Education, and under the supervision and membership of Assist. Prof. Dr. Fadia Jalal Ahmed/ University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science.

