15 August، 2022

Master Thesis Viva-Biology Department

Master Thesis Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled ” Inhibition Efficacy Of Growth Microorganisms By Some Arthropoda Body Extracts The Effectiveness Of A Strategy Based On The Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Achievement And Clever Thinking Among Second Intermediate Students In Science Subject “The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the Master Thesis Viva entitled ” The Effectiveness Of A Strategy Based On The Theory of Multiple Intelligences In Achievement And Clever Thinking Among Second Intermediate Students In Science Subject”,On Monday, August 15, 2022, the respected president of Mosul University Professor Dr. Kusay Kamal Al-DEEN Al-Ahmady, the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Biology, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva. In this study, presented by the M.Sc. Student Raghad Ghanim Ismael Al-Ghazali in the Department of Biology, the current research objective is to identify the effectiveness of a strategy based on the theory of multiple intelligences in achievement and the clever thinking of second-graders in Science subject.To verify the objective of the research, the two zero hypotheses were formulated:

  1. There is no statistically significant difference between the average achievement scores of female students in the experimental group who study in accordance with the multi-intelligence strategy, and the female officer group students who study in the normal way.
  2. There is no statistically significant difference between the average skilled thinking scores of the students of the experimental group who study according to the strategy of multiple intelligences, and the students of the control group who study in the normal way.The current research was limited to middle-grade second-graders at
    Al-Batraa Intermediate School for Girls, a public morning school of the General Directorate of Nineveh Education for the academic year (2021-2022).The researcher adopted the experimental design with the partial control of the two equal groups, which includes two groups: experimental and officer, and according to this design chose Al-Batraa Intermediate School for Girls in a deliberate way, as the research sample was formed from (62) students by 31 students in the experimental group studied according to the strategy of the theory of multiple intelligence and (31) students in the control group studied in the normal way.The two groups were rewarded in a number of variables, including:(The time age of female students is calculated in months, the educational level of parents and mothers, the general average rate of the first grade, the grades of Science subject for first intermediate, the information prior to the first intermediate grade, and the iq.The researcher identified the scientific material represented by the last three chapters (seventh, eighth, and ninth) of the book of Science for the second intermediate grade (3rd edition, 2019) and formulated behavioral purposes of the scientific material amounted to (111) behavioral purposes as well as the researcher (16) prepared a teaching plan for the experimental group and (16) a teaching plan for the control group.In order to verify the purpose and hypotheses of the research, the researcher needed two tools:First: the collection test that she built from the science classes subject to the experiment, which amounted to 30 paragraphs of the type of selection of multiple four alternatives because of its objectivity.Second tool: the smart thinking test, which was prepared after the researcher was informed of a number of tests of clever thinking. In order to verify the apparent honesty and find the stability factor, the researcher presented the two paragraphs with models of plans to a committee of arbitrators, in order to verify the apparent honesty and find the stability factor, after which the two instruments became ready for application.The researcher started applying the experiment in the first semester of the academic year (2021-2022), where the researcher taught the two research groups on 1/11/2021 and continued until 12 January 2022, followed by the procedures for applying the two regulations, the first of which was collection on 13 January 2022 and the clever thinking of 15 January 2022. Statistical results showed that female students in the experimental group who studied the strategy of multiple intelligence theory outperformed the female officer group students who studied in the normal way in both the achievement test and the test of clever thinking. In the light of the conclusions resulting from statistical applications and application procedures, a number of recommendations and proposals have been developed for future research, the most important of which is the establishment of educational centers to develop the types of multiple intelligences to train teachers on how to develop multiple intelligences and archaeological activities and how to provide the necessary supplies during the lesson and the establishment of courses and workshops for teachers and that help develop their linguistic, environmental and visual potential, so that they can change within the class from linguistic presentation to the use of forms, images and videos, making it possible for them to change within the class from linguistic presentation to the use of forms, images and videos, which makes it possible for them to The lesson is a combination of multiple intelligences and the reorganization of courses, especially in the subject of life sciences. The Viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Raed Idris Mahmoud/ University of Tikrit, College of Education for Girls and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussein Obaid Dahwi/ University of Mosul , College of Education for pure Science, Lecturer Dr. Ziad Badar Hamad / University of Mosul , College of Education for pure Science and under the supervision and membership of both Asst. Prof. Dr. Maarib M. Ahmed / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science and Asst. Prof. Dr. Raghad N. Jerjees Ahmed / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science.

