18 September، 2022

Master Thesis Viva-Biology Department

Master Thesis Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled ” The impact of strategy based on the analogical thinking in acquiring biology concept of the second intermediate grade female students and developing their divergent thinking “The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the Master Thesis Viva entitled ” The impact of strategy based on the analogical thinking in acquiring biology concept of the second intermediate grade female students and developing their divergent thinking “,On Sunday, September 18, 2022, the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Biology, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva. This study, presented by the M.Sc. Student Ali fu’ad Salim Mohammed Ali Almteewty in the Department of Biology, aim to identify ( the impact of strategy based on the analogical thinking in acquiring biology concept of the second intermediate grade female students and developing their divergnt thinking ) Research a sample of second-grade middle school students was selected in the intermediate message for girls in the city of Mosul for the year (2021-2022). The members of these samples amounted 101female students, divided into two divisions, representing the experimental group and the other representing the control group, with (a female student, respectively, The two research groups were rewarded in the following variables (chronological age in months, the academic achievement of the parents, the general average, intelligence quotien , pre-test divergent thinking). The experimental group was taught according to the analogical thinking strategy and the control group according to the usual method.The researcher prepared the necessary supplies for the research, namely defining the scientific material, formulating the behavioral objectives of the material specified in chapters (seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth) of the science book for the second intermediate class, and preparing teaching plans for teaching the experimental and control groups according to the analogical thinking strategy and the usual method, as well as the Providing educational aids. The research required the presence of two tools, the first is a test of acquiring biological concepts, which the researcher prepared, and the test in its final form consists of (30) paragraphs for (10) main concepts, and for each concept (3) paragraphs are allocated to measure the elements of the concept. As for the second tool, it is the divergent thinking test prepared by the researcher. In light of the results of the research, the researcher came out with a number of conclusions, including the effectiveness of the analogical thinking strategy in providing second-grade students with biological concepts and developing their divergent thinking compared to the usual method, as well as the possibility of applying this strategy in teaching biology with second-grade students in Iraqi schools. The Viva committee was chaired by Asst. Prof. Dr. Amal Fattah Zeidan University Of Mosul College Of Education For Pure Science and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Yasser Muhammad Taher Muhammad University Of Kirkuk College Of Education For Pure Science, Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasf Mhdi Younis/University of Mosul /College of Education Basic, and under the supervision and membership of both Prof. Dr. Wafa’a Mahmoud Younes/ University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science and Lecturer Dr. Mohamed Abdel Ilah Mohamed/ University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science.

