20 October، 2022

PH.D. Dissertation Viva-Bioilogy Department

PH.D. Dissertation Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled ” Studying the Effect of Some Environmental and Chemicals Factors in Some Metabolic Processes and Gene Expression in the Fungus
Neurospora crassa as a Standard Model”The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the PH.D. Dissertation Viva entitled ” Studying the Effect of Some Environmental and Chemicals Factors in Some Metabolic Processes and Gene Expression in the Fungus Neurospora crassa as a Standard Model”,On Thursday, October 20, 2022, the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Biology, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva. In this study, presented by the PH.D. Student Noor Maysir Sadiq Amin Al Sardar in the Department of Biology, The effect of light, dark and some influences in the biological clock of the fungus Neurospora crassa was studied, which was used as standard model in all experiments under study, the fungus isolate was obtained from the fungal Genetics Stock Center from the American United States. Where it is Considered a genetic model organism used in the study of the biological clock by it is growing on a Vogels medium in with aconstant temperature and different light cycles ( continuous light, 12 hours light /12 hours dark and continuous darkness ) with several different concentrations of stimuli used in the study ( melatonin, dopamine, Coffee, lead nitrate, Zinc sulfate, Cadmium chloride, iron cloride ) The growth trace tubes were also used to study the effect of light and dark in the presence of some influences in the biological clock of N. crassa. The detection of circadian disorders of the fungus N. crassa was conducted using Enzyme liked Immunosorbent Assay ELISA technique. Where the melatonin hormone and WC – 2 protein were measuring in addition to measuring the gene expression of the genes WC – 1, Ccg – 16 and RAS of the circadian clock genes in the fungus using Real time PCR technology. The results showed the regularity and density of growth at the cycle of illumination of 12 hours of light / 12 hours of darkness compared to the illumination of 24 hours of light and 24 hours of darkness , the highest growth was observed when treated with dopamine compared to its decrease When treated with lead.The results also showed an increase in the hormone melatonin in continuous darkness compared to continuous light, and 12 hours of light / 12 hours of darkness for all effects while the concentration of WC- 2 protein was high at 12 hours of light / 12 hours of darkness .The study also included the investigation and detection of the biological clock gene 3111T / C in blood Samples of patients with insomnia The Viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Nadim Ahmed Ramadan Al-Hadba University College and the membership of Prof. Dr. Shamal Younis Abdul-hadi / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Rafea Zidan Mikhlif University of Tikrit / College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Sara Qahtan Suleiman University of Tikrit / College of Science, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mira Osama Ahmed / University of Mosul /College of Education for Pure Science and under the supervision and membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Khalil University of Mosul / College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies.

