21 June، 2023
Master Thesis Viva_ Department of Mathematics

Master Thesis Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled ” Construction of q-ary (n, M, d)-codes in PG(n,q)” ”
The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the Master Thesis Viva entitled ” Construction of q-ary (n, M, d)-codes in PG(n,q)””,
On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the College staff including the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Mathematics, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva.
The aim of this study, presented by the Master student Dunya Fareeq Fandi in the Department of Mathematics, is to create projective linear codes from parameters (n, M, d), based on the Galois field GF (9) arrangement and the relationship between projective space and cryptography theory. A code was constructed using theory (2.1.2) in q-ary (n, M, d)-code PG (2,9), and full brackets were built in projective spaces with three dimensions PG (3, q) around the Galois field GF (q), using MATLAB software to find all computational operations in chapter three. This research represents a significant contribution to cryptography theory and can be used to design error codes in wired and wireless communications.
The Viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Raida Dawood Mahmood / University of Mosul, College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed/ University of Zakho ,College of Computer Sciences, Lecturer Dr. Ali Abdulqader Bilal, University of Mosul, College of Education for Pure Science and under the supervision and membership of Prof. Dr. Nada Yassen Kasm Yahya, University of Mosul, College of Education for Pure Science.