22 August، 2022

Master Thesis Viva-Biology Department

Master Thesis Viva in the College of Education for Pure Science entitled “The effect of the pyramid of preference strategy on providing second-grade students with deep understanding skills and developing their biological survey “The College of Education for Pure Science, University of Mosul, has done the Master Thesis Viva entitled ” The effect of the pyramid of preference strategy on providing second-grade students with deep understanding skills and developing their biological survey “,On Monday, August 22, 2022, the respected Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Ismail Ibrahim, the Honorable Scientific Associate and Administrative Associate, the Honorable Head of the Department of Biology, and a number of the college’s teachers were attended the viva. This study, presented by the M.Sc. Student Rahma Talal Sultan Ahmed in the Department of Biology, aims to know the effect of the priority pyramid strategy on providing second-grade intermediate students with deep understanding skills and developing their biological survey.For the purpose of verifying the hypotheses of the research, a sample of second-grade middle school students in Al-Makassed Intermediate School for Girls in the city of Mosul for the academic year (2021-2022) was selected intentionally from the research community, and a group of its members reached (80) students, with (40) students for each experimental group. And another officer. The process of equivalence was conducted between the two research groups in the variables (chronological age in months, educational level of the parents, general average, intelligence quotient, pre-test of the biological survey). The experimental group was taught according to the pyramid of preference strategy, while the control group was taught according to the usual method.The researcher prepared the necessary research requirements, represented in defining the scientific subject (biology, formulating behavioral objectives for the specific subject, and preparing teaching plans for teaching the experimental and control groups, according to the strategy of the pyramid of preference and the usual method, The research also required two tools, the first is a test to acquire deep understanding skills prepared by the researcher, and it is in its final form of (21) test paragraphs related to (4) main dimensions, namely, generative thinking with its four skills (making hypotheses, prediction in the light of data, fluency, flexibility) in addition to Three skills are (interpretations, decision-making, asking questions), and three paragraphs were allocated for each skill that measure the deep understanding of the students. Its validity and stability were confirmed as it reached (0.83), and the discriminatory power was extracted. As for the second tool, it is the Biological Survey Scale. The researcher has adopted the (Ali 2017) scale as it is a modern scale and is suitable for the age and school stage. The scale consists of (12) questions distributed into six groups, and its final form consists of (30) items. Its stability reached (0.82) and the discriminatory power was extracted and it was within the acceptable limits for all paragraphs. The experiment was applied starting from the first semester of the academic year (2021-2022 AD), as the pre-test of the biological survey was conducted for the students of the research sample on (11/11/2021). (2) lessons per week, so that the total of the total lessons is (18) for each group. After completing the application of the experiment, the two tools were applied after (the deep understanding test and the biological survey scale) on (1/22/2022), and after data collection and statistical analysis using a test the thai(t-test) for two independent and correlated samples. The Viva committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Raid Idrees Mhmood / Tikrit University/College of Education for Girls and the membership of Asst. Prof. Dr. Amal Fatah Zidan / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussien Obyed Dhuie /University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science and under the supervision and membership of both Prof. Dr. Wafaa Mahmoud Younes / University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science and Asst. Prof. Dr. Mira Ausama Al Katib/ University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Science.

