27 September، 2020

University of Mosul : Discussion of master’s thesis on ( study the effect of swelling pressure on the tolerability of swollen soil )

A master’s thesis was discussed in Department of Civil Engineering /College of Engineering/University of Mosul on (Study the effect of swellingpressureon the tolerability of swollensoil) for the student(Ali Nazal Mohammed ) on Sunday(27/09/2020) on the discussion hall in Civil Engineering Department, by relyingon electronic remote communication with a section of the discussion committee members.The thesis study the effect ofpressure of theswellingresistance to tolerability swollen soilSelected from city of Mosul by a laboratory model that was manufactured for this purpose with a set of laboratory experiments that were conducted in order to study the effect of changing moisture content and dry density on the parameters of shear resistance, cohesion and internalfrictionangle.The results of the experiments concluded that the values ​​of shear resistance coefficients(cohesion andinternalangle offriction)decrease with the increase of the moisture content as the dry density is constant, and they increase with the increase of the dry density when the moisture content is fixed and that the shear coefficients decrease with the increase of themoisturecontent.The thesis recommended that the current study be applied to clay soils of different swelling ability in order to obtain a clearer picture of the effect ofswellingpressureon the tolerance of this type of soils. The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Prof. Dr. Suhail Idrees Khattab … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Khaled Rasim Al-Janabi … ( Member ).
3. Asst. Prof. Thamer Mohammed Noori …. ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Ameena Ahmed Khalil … ( member and supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance the thesis and award the student the master degree.

