12 October، 2020

University of Mosul : Discussion of a master’s thesis on ( Making a model for the distribution of traffic in highly crowded city ​​centers ( Left Side of Mosul as a model))

A master’s thesis was discussed in Department of Civil Engineering /College of Engineering/University of Mosul on ( Making a model for the distribution of traffic in highly crowded city ​​centers ( Left Side of Mosul as a model)) for the student ( Mohanned Radhwan Askar ) on Monday 12/10/2020 in the discussion hall in Department of civil Engineering, and relying on electronically communicate with a remote some of the members of the committee discussion .The thesis included collect data from different regions of the left side of city of Mosul severe congestion and traffic data was collected for traffic sections such as speed, traffic flow, traffic density and delay time. All engineering data for thesesectionswere taken, and after preparing the data and scheduling it, theprogramwasapproved(Algorithm)From whichthisdatacan be analyzed.
The results of the study showed that the program used proved successful in the analysis processes for all stages, where accurate information and dimensions of the traffic network located within the study areas were obtained.
The thesis recommended the creation of an integrated and comprehensive basic plan for the right and left side of the city in order to design the various service facilities that concern the destroyed infrastructure of the city of Mosul.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayman AbdulHadi AbdulMawjood … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Noori Sadiq Ali … ( Member ).
3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Hamodi …. ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. AbdulKhaleq Mal Allah Mohammed … ( member and supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance the thesis and award the student a Ms.c degree.

