11 November، 2020

Hosting a lecturer from College of engineering in a seminar at Kingdom of Bahrain

The Interior Design Department hosted at University of Applied Sciences – ASUIn theKingdom ofBahrain Hosting the lecturer Asst. Prof. Dr. Imad Hani Ismail Al-Alaf from Department of Architecture at college of Engineering – University of Mosul on Sunday , 08.11.2020 .
During the hosting, he gave an interactive lecture to the fourth stage students on modern techniques and methods in surveying, documenting and re-enacting the built environment currently used in the construction and building sector and preserving and ways to employ it in documenting and re-representing internal buildingspaces thatare required to be re-used and adapted to new designs.It took more than an hour punctuated by aseries of questions and queries raised by theparticipants about thedetails of theuse ofscanning devices andmodern documentation and methods ofdealing with theacquired data and methods ofprocessing and utilization.

