17 November، 2020

A Master’s Thesis at College of Engineering discusses ” Study of the properties of runoff and sediment movement in branching channels “

On Tuesday November,17,2020 A master’s thesis in Department of Dams and Water Resources Engineering / College of Engineering at University of Mosul discusses ” Study of the properties of runoff and sediment movement in branching channels ” submitted by ( Ihsan Alaiwi Salman ) .The thesis included investigating the effect of the drainage ratio in the outlet channel on the amount of sediment entering the outlet channel, studying the effect of the outlet channel branching angle on the amount of sediment entering it, and investigating the effect of the sediment concentration transported through the feeder channel on the amount entering it into the outlet channel.

The thesis concluded that the rate of sediments entering the outlet channel increases with the increase in the percentage of sub-discharge entering into it and for the various values ​​of the discharges in the inlet channel, the percentage of sediments entering the inlet channel decreases sharply as the branching angle increases, and the lowest percentage of sediments entering the inlet channel was at the angle 60° . It was also found that there was a clear drop and rise in the water level at the entrance to the outlet channel directly in all experiments, regardless of the change in the discharge rates entering it.The study recommended the necessity of investigating the effect of the distance between the feeder channel and the intake channel and the use of a movable bottom in addition to the sediment feeding to study themorphology of thebottom and the heights of the tail weir in the main channel in order to study the effect of return water more broadly on the amount of sediment entering the intake channel.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Prof. Dr. Raad Hubei Razouki … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghania AbdulMajeed Hayawi … ( Member ).
3. Dr. Mina Ahmed Dawood …. ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mowaffaq Younis Mohammed … ( Member and Supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included approval the thesis and award the student a master degree.

