26 November، 2020

M.SC. Thesis at College of Engineering discusses ” Improving the loading of power transmission systems using flexible alternating current transmission systems FACTs “.

A master thesis in Department of Electrical Engineering /College of Engineering at University of Mosul discusses “Improving the loading of power transmissionsystemsusingflexible alternating current transmission systems FACTs ” submitted by the postgraduate student(Maria Mohammed Hussein ) on Wednesday,November 25,2020.
The thesis aims to study the improvement of the load for the electrical power system in the steady state in the presence of the static synchronous compensatorSTATCOMA seriescapacitorcontrolled by athyristorTCSCOr both.
It was represented(TCSC) And(STATCOM)Programmatically usingMATLAB m fileByusing theNewton-Ravens method forpower flow to study their ability tocontrol thepowertransmissionindividually or both together, and thus improve the transmission line load, which helps the transmission network to operate without any exceeding the rated load limits, and to control the flow of power in the various power transmission lines of the test systemIEEE-30 bus)).The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Majed Saleh Al-Hafidh … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yahya Abdullah Suleiman … ( Member ).
3. Dr. Wael Hashim Hamdoon … ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali Abdullah Al-Rawi … ( Member and Supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included approval the thesis and award the student (MS.C degree).

