2 December، 2020

M.SC. thesis at College of Engineering discusses ” The effect of metal filters and insulators on X-ray systems “

A master’s thesis in Department of Electrical Engineering / college of engineering at University of Mosul discusses ” The effect of metalfilters andinsulators on X-ray systems ” submitted by postgraduate student ( Dhuha AbdulMoneim Mohammed ) on Tuesday, 01/12/2020.
The process of improving the detection of materials that enter the cement industry was studied through several filters and using X-raydetection system.This study included measuring and analyzing soil samples usingenergy dispersal X-rayspectroscopy EDXRF. the results Showed from this work,the candidate ofthe Menyumgenerally gave thebest ratio of thebackground summit P/Bfor soil samples .The thesis included the use of simulation software SpekCalcthe program allows for the use of several filters, changing the thickness of each filter, and then calculating the resulting spectrum .Practical results that havebeen obtained using a spectrometerof radioactiverays to disperse energy was identical to theresults of thesimulation usingSpekCalcIt concluded that increasing the thickness of thealuminumfilterimproves detection of materials.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dhanon Younis … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr Yassar Izzaldeen Mohammed Ali … ( Member ).
3. Dr. Saad Wasmi Osman … ( Member ).
4. Prof. Dr. Khalid Khalil Mohammed … ( member and supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included approval the thesis and award the student (MS.C degree).

