24 June، 2021

Department of Architecture Engineering organizes a visit for postgraduate students to the old city of Mosul

The lecturers of “Theories of Urban Design (Advanced)” course in Department of Architecture Engineering organized a scientific visit for a group of postgraduate students to the commercial center of the ancient city of Mosul on Thursday, 06/17/2021.
It included a visit to a group of sites and buildings within the commercial center of the old city of Mosul, in order to familiarize themselves with It must determine the capabilities and limitations of its development process or the reuse of a number of its historical and heritage buildings, within the requirements of the advanced design semester .
The sections of the scientific visit also included a discussion by the lecturers of the students’ projects within the subject in the cultural center “Bytna”(A formerresidential house thatwas reused), which is located opposite the Great Mosque in the ancient area as one activities that can be conducted within the reused buildings in a successful manner on the cultural and economic level .
This has included the teaching staff both Assist. prof. Dr. Asma Al-Dabbagh,Assist. Prof. Dr. Imad Al-Allaf, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hassan Al-Sangaree, and Dr. Hassan Mahmood QasIm .

