13 December، 2023
Scientific Symposium at College of Engineering on “Applying design standards for buildings in firefighting”

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamalaldeen Al-Ahmady / President of University of Mosul and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim / Dean of College of Engineering, Department of Architecture Engineering is willing to contribute the efforts to protect our countrymen from disasters and fire risks in buildings. The Department held its first scientific symposium for the academic year 2023-2024 entitled “Applying design standards for buildings in firefighting”on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.
The symposium was attended by Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamalaldeen Al-Ahmady, Prof. Dr. Munir Salim Taha/Assistant President of Mosul University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim, Assist Prof. Dr. Ayman Talib Hamid/Assist. Dean for Scientific Affairs, representatives of Civil Defense Directorate, and staff of the college.
The symposium was opened with a speech by Head of department of Architecture Engineering, Assist. Prof. Dr. Omar Hazim Kharofa, followed by a lecture presented by Assist. Prof. Ahmed Abdulwahhab Al-Fakhri and also included recent lectures and the value of a group of lecturers of the department.
The symposium included several axes dealing with the architectural design studies of the building, including the review and audit of the availability of emergency exits and their relationship with the building’s capacity, materials used in construction, to achieve the required fire resistance according to the established criteria, studies of the construction structure and ensuring its conformity with the specific fire protection standards and regulations, and studies of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) to ensure that it complies with safety and fire protection standards, electricity and lighting system studies in accordance with safety requirements, Fire Alarm and Fire Extinguishing System Studies, Fire Occurrence Simulation and Smoke Handling Studies, Flame Diffusion Coefficient, Fire Resistance Coefficient, Fire Spread Velocity, Time Scenarios for Building Evacuation and Number of Exits Required by Specialized Software, Studies of the importance of conducting laboratory tests on building materials and thermal insulation systems to ensure that they comply with safety standards.
The symposium concluded with a set of results and recommendations, which focused on highlighting the proactive fire control system, starting with plans for the buildings to be constructed, the importance of auditing the plans of the buildings under construction and the buildings in use, and the tasks of monitoring the extent to which the designs conform to fire protection standards and the standards of the detection and warning system.