13 February، 2024

College of Engineering Launches An awareness campaign on Rationalization of Energy Consumption

Under the patronage of University of Mosul’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamalaldeen Al-Ahmady, and under the supervision of College of Engineering’s Dean,  Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim, and the College’s efforts to achieve sustainable development objectives, College of Engineering Launches its awareness campaign entitled “rationalizing consumption … Culture of Life” to raise the awareness of the community of the importance of rationalizing energy consumption and ways of rationalizing it in buildings in general and educational buildings in particular.

The campaign was attended on its first day by Prof. Dr. Munir Salem Taha/ Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs and Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim/ College of Engineering’s Dean, Dr. Basam Ihsan Abdulqadir/ Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Rawaa Putros Qasha/ Director of Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at University Presidency.

The campaign will be held with the participation of students of the academic stages in College of Engineering and its employees, and will continue for a week starting on Tuesday, 13/2/2024 and including educational activities including workshops and lectures in addition to installing posters in the corridors and buildings of college and scientific departments, which shed light on the importance of rationalizing energy consumption and ways to rationalize it.

