11 October، 2020

University of Mosul : Discussion of a master’s thesis on ( Traffic Acceleration Noise Coefficient as an alternative to measuring service level in multi-lane roads in urban and rural areas)

A master’s thesis was discussed in Department of Civil Engineering /College of Engineering/University of Mosul tagged with(Traffic Acceleration Noise Coefficient as an alternative to measuring the level of service in multi-lane roads in urban and rural areas)for the student (Mohammad Hussein Nayef ) on Sunday 11/10/2020 in the discussion hall in Department of Civil Engineering, and by relyingon electronic remote communication with some of the discussion committee members .
The thesis included providing a simplified method for assessing the level of service for urban roads with multiple lanes in the city of Kirkuk instead of the complex method suggested by the American Road Comprehension Manual (HCM-2010).
The thesis concluded that the acceleration noise is directly proportional to both the volume and the traffic density and inversely with the average speed. It also showed that the acceleration noise with the traffic flow variables is a nonlinearrelationshipof the second degree.
The thesis recommended conducting a study to demonstrate the relationship between acceleration noise and traffic flow of multi-lane rural roads instead of the way the American roads are accommodated.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yaseen Taha … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hirish Mohammed Majeed … ( Member ).
3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Hamodi …. ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. AbdulKhaleq Mal Allah Mohammed … ( member and supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included acceptance the thesis and award the student a Ms.c degree.

