18 November، 2020

A Master Thesis at College of Engineering discusses ” Study of scour around group of cylindrical bridge piers with circular openings “

On Wednesday November,18,2020, A master’s thesis in Department of Dams and Water Resources Engineering / College of Engineering at University of Mosul discusses “Study of scour around group of cylindrical bridge piers with circular openings “submitted by ( Mays Ibrahim Al-Saeedi ) .This laboratory study aims to reduce local erosion around the base of the bridge abutment, by combining two types of treatments: byincreasing the number of bridge abutments in a successive manner parallel to the direction of flow in order to reduce the area of ​​their section and then the proportion of shrinkage caused by the course and the second treatment is to make tube openings in the body of the abutment as a method of changing The flow and transferring part of it to the back of the pillar through the opening, thus reducing the momentum occurring in front of the pillar.By testing several diameters of the supports and the distances between successive supports and determining the location of the optimal opening on the body of the pillar, which achieves the lowest depth of slewing.The thesis reachedthatthedepth ofsacrifice localized around thepillar of thebridge below thegreater diameter aperture located in thebody ofstent, and increases thegreater diameter pillar of thebridge and the less thedistance between thepillars of thesuccessive, and that theuse of asmall diameter of thepillars ofsuccessive ACFA in reducing erosion compared tousing one large prop proved This study showed that the combination of the two treatments reduced the slaughter depth to a rate of55.56%.The study recommended the necessity of investigating the effect of using water loaded with sediments instead of using pure water to simulate real situations.And a study was carried out using non-cylindrical supports that could achieve less depth of slotting.And the adoption of a certain angle to place the tube openings in the body of the stent and to know its effect on reducing erosion.The discussion committee consistedof:
1. Prof. Dr. Raad Hubei Razouki … (Chairman).
2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mowaffaq Younis Mohammed … ( Member ).
3. Dr. Nashwan Kamalaldeen Mohammed … ( Member ).
4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ghania AbdulMajeed Hayawi … ( Member and Supervisor ).5. Dr. Mina Ahmed Dawood… ( Member and Supervisor ).Then the discussion committee read the decision which included approval the thesis and award the student a master degree.

