24 December، 2021

Scientific symposium on “The academic role in reviving the Old Mosul”

Department of Architecture Engineering, College of Engineering at University of Mosul held its scientific symposium entitled “The academic role in the projects of reviving the old city of Mosul”on Thursday,December23,2021. The symposium had been attended by Prof. Dr. Bayar Jaafar Al-Sulayvani, Dean of the College, a number of deans of the colleges, Lecturers, and city figures .Its work proceeded within a program that was opened with the Holy Qur’an, then the speech of Head of Department of Architecture Engineering, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Yousif Al-Omari, and his lecture “Mosul is in our eyes”.
Then there was openning of the department’s students’ projects exhibition, which was held on the sidelines of the symposium .
The symposium included two scientific sessions that discussed the strategy of rehabilitation the Tutonji House, the difficulties and challenges in the academic projects, the minaret of the historic Omariya mosque, and interactive models to enhance community awareness in urban conservation experiments, the rehabilitation experience of the Rabiaya Mosque, and the role of architecture lecturers in guiding students towards projects for the reconstruction of Mosu.

