28 March، 2022

Scientific Symposium on Bridged Intersections in City of Mosul (Reality and Ambition)

Under the patronage of University of Mosul’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Kossay Kamalaldeen Al-Ahmadi, Department of Civil Engineering at College of Engineering held the second scientific symposium for the academic year 2021-2022 entitled “Scientific Symposium on Bridged Intersections in City of Mosul (Reality and Ambition)” in cooperation with Directorate of Mosul Municipality on Sunday, March 27, 2022.The symposium was attended by Mr. Najim Al-Jubouri (Governor of Nineveh), Eng. Abdulwahhab Sultan (Assist. Governor of Nineveh for Reconstruction Affairs), Eng. AbdulSattar Al-Habbo (Director of Mosul Municipality), Prof. Dr. Bayar Jaafer al-Sulayvani (College of Engineering’s Dean), Prof. Dr. Abdulrahim Ibrahim Jasim (Head of Civil Engineering Department), Eng. Waleed Saadi Hasan (Iraqi Engineers Union /Nineveh Branch), The Dean’s assistants, Heads of the scientific departments, and The lecturers of Civil Engineering Department in all disciplines.The symposium included two scientific sessions and discussed many scientific and strategic lectures on the reality of bridges in City of Mosul and the extent of the possibility of developing and employing available technologies to benefit from them in the field of bridge intersections in the city.The lectures also focused on discussing the most important obstacles facing the implementation of bridge intersections and the possibility of overcoming these obstacles by offering scientific and practical solutions in managing and eliminating congestion through the spread and encouragement of establishing bridged intersections in the city.

