1 April، 2020

International E-workshop between University of Mosul / College of Engineering / Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department and the Austrian University of BOKU / Institute of Hydraulic Studies and River Research

Based on the cooperation record between University of Mosul and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which included the establishment of scientific workshops between Mosul University and international universities. An international electronic workshop was held across the educational platforms between Mosul University – college of engineering – Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department , and the Austrian University of Boku – Institute of Hydrological and Rivers Studies, entitled “Flood risk Assessment” starting from Thursday 26/3/2020 and continued for three days.The committee supervising this workshop is Dean of college of Engineering prof. Dr. Bayar Jaafar Al-Sulyvani and prof. Dr. Kamel Ali Abdulmuhsin / Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department.Preparatory Committee for the workshop:

  1. Dr. Abdul Wahab Mohamed Younis, Head of Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department
  2. Dr. Ziad Ayoub Sulaiman / Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department
  3. Dr. Younis Mahal Najm/ Mechanical EngineeringDepartment
  4. Dr. Mina Ahmed Al-Sawaf/ Dams and Water Resources Engineering Department
  5. Ali Ahmed Abdel Hadi/ Dams and Water Resources Engineering DepartmentThe workshop was attended by a group of engineering staff from the following departments and directorates :
    1. Department of Dams and Water Resources Engineering / University of Mosul
    2. Dams and Water Resources Research Center/University of Mosul
    3. Remote sensing Center /University of Mosul
    4. Department of Environmental Engineering / University of Mosul
    5. Department of Civil Engineering / University of Mosul
    6. Department of Mechanical Engineering / University of Mosul
    7. Directorate of Mosul Dams
    8. Directorate of Nineveh Sewerage
    9. Directorate of Nineveh Water
    10. Directorate of Water Resources in Nineveh
    11. Crisis cell in Nineveh governorate
    12. Directorate of River dredging – Nineveh branchFor more information:https://www.unido.org/news/capacity-building-activities-carried-out-remotely-video-conference-between-austria-and-iraqhttps://www.unido.org/news/capacity-building-activities-carried-out-remotely-video-conference-between-austria-and-iraq
