28 January، 2024
The head of the Environmental Health Department holds a meeting with the department’s members..

In implementation of the directives of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Assistant Professor Dr. Yousra Majeed Al-Shaker, the Head of the Environmental Health Department, Assistant Professor Dr. Rehab Abdel-Jabbar Hamid Al-Bakr, and the Department’s rapporteur, Dr. Omar Karim Younis, held a meeting with the department’s members in the discussion hall today, Sunday, January 28, 2024.
During the meeting, the department’s preparations for the theoretical and practical final exams for the first semester were discussed according to the requirements of the Bologna Process, and how to calculate the pursuit grades and determine the start date for the exams according to the directives of the Presidency of the University of Mosul.
Media and Government Communications Division
College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies