5 April، 2024
The College of Environmental Sciences participates in the “Distinguished Academic” celebration activities, which were held by the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, Nineveh Branch..

At the kind invitation of the Syndicate of Iraqi Academics, Nineveh Branch, represented by the President of the Syndicate, Assistant Professor Dr. Basil Khalaf Hammoud, and under the auspices of the President of the Syndicate of Iraqi Academics, and with the support of Al-Nour University, the College of Environmental Sciences participated on Thursday, April 4, 2024, in the celebratory activities (Distinguished Academic), which were held by the Syndicate of Iraqi Academics, Nineveh Branch. On the occasion of Iraqi Academic Day, in Al-Khwarizmi Hall at the College of Electronics Engineering, in the presence of a group of academics from our universities.
The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister’s State Advisor, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Al-Saydal, the presidents of the universities of Nineveh Governorate, their assistants and their representatives, the deans of colleges, former university presidents, and an elite group of university academics.
The ceremony included the presentation of a video material about the activities of the Academics Syndicate and a speech by the head of the Syndicate, Nineveh Branch, explaining the role of the Syndicate and its joint work with the Ministry and universities in following up on the educational process and its role in strengthening and quality education in all educational institutions.
An elite group of academics from the College of Environmental Sciences who were distinguished scientifically and socially were honored, namely, the retired Assistant Professor Dr. (Riyad Abdullah Al-Taie), the Assistant Professor Dr. Iyad Fadil Qasim Al-Naama, the Assistant Professor (Ashraf Siddiq Elias), and the Assistant Professor (Dr. Rehab Abdel-Jabbar Hamed). virgin).
The Deanship of the College of Environmental Sciences and its teaching, professional, and student staff remain a source of scientific and practical giving in the service of our dear university and our dear country.
College of Environmental Sciences
Media and Government Communications Division