Training Course. Diseases of Laboratory Animals


Between 13th-14thof January 2020, Department of Pathology and Poultry Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine organised a training course, titled: “Diseases of Laboratory Animal”. This training course brings veterinarians and researchers to refresh their knowledge and experience in the field of diseases of lab. animals.It aims to establish good understanding of the principles of most common diseases in different lab. animals. This course included theoretical and practical information.The syllabus of this course was as follows:First day09:00Registration.09.00-09.15Opening session and welcoming.09.15-09.45Introduction of pathology of laboratory animals.(Dr. Hanaa Khaleel Ismail).09.45-10.10Diseases of mice.(Dr.Karam Al-Mallah).10.10-10.30Coffee.10:30-11.00Diseases of rats.(Dr.Ahmed Al-Saidya)11.00-11.30Diseases of hamster.(Mrs. AsseelMohammed Rahawi)11.30-12.00Diagnosis of rabbits.(Mrs.Enas sheet mustafa).Second day09.00-09.30Handling [Read More]