Under the supervision of administrative assistant members of department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education honoured Dr saad fadhil abdulkadir
A member of teaching staff of department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education was named a member of debating committee of an Ph D treatise at college of physical education and [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of sciences college of basic education university of Mosul participated in course of preparing coaches of methodologies towards inclusive education organized by faculty of studies planning and following [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of special education college of basic education participated in 1st meeting of national council of authenticity of educational groups in iraq in ministry of higher and scientific research [Read More]
Two of teaching staff of department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education university of Mosul took part in second international scientific conference in lebanon from 1-5/10/2023
Council board of college of basic education had its periodical meeting presided by dean on Thursday 5/10/2023
A member of teaching staff of department of mathematics college of basic education participated in a workshop held by UNESCO and Ulster university on Monday 2/10/2023
A member of teaching staff of department of history college of basic education was named a member of debating committee of an Ph D treatise at college of arts university of Mosul on Monday 2/10/2023
Department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education debated an Ph D treatise on Monday 25/9/2023 on umulrabeean hall some members of teaching staff of department attended part of the debate
Department of special education college of basic education debated an M A thesis on Thursday 28/9/2023 on umulrabeean hall dean of college of basic education and some members of teaching staff attended part of the [Read More]
Head of department of history college of basic education university of Mosul was named a member of debating committee of an M A thesis at college of education for humanities university of Kirkuk on Wednesday [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education university of Mosul was named a member of debating committee of an Ph D treatise at college of [Read More]
A member of teaching staff of department of history college of basic education university of Mosul was named a member of debating committee of an Ph D treatise at college of basic education university of [Read More]
Department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education debated an Ph D treatise on Sunday 24/9/2023 on umulrabeean hall academic assistant of dean of college of basic education, the administrative assistant and [Read More]
Second term exams
Under the supervision of dean of college of basic education and his academic and administrative assistants students continue with their second term exams for the academic year 2022/2023
Department of physical education and sport sciences college of basic education debated an M A thesis on Tuesday 19/9/2023 on hall of college of political sciences some members of teaching staff attended part of the [Read More]
Department of special education college of basic education debated an M A thesis on Tuesday 19/9/2023 on hall of martyr Layla at faculty of law some members of teaching staff attended part of the debate
Department of islamic education college of basic education debated an M A thesis on Monday 19/9/2023 on hall of college of fine arts some members of teaching staff of department attended part of the debate
A member of teaching staff of department of history college of basic education was named a member of debating committee of an M A thesis at college of education for humanities university of Mosul on [Read More]
Department of Arabic language college of basic education debated an M A thesis on umulrabeean hall on Wednesday 20/9/2023 dean of college, his academic assistant and some members of teaching staff of department attended part [Read More]