26 January، 2021

Our Strength against Corona Vairus

Dear students …After a separation that lasted nearly ten months away from your second home, where science, knowledge, friends and companionship.Here we are meeting you again today, as we welcome a new academic year,In which we start it with optimism, hope, activity and persistence.The path to success is filled with challenges, and today we are all facing a new challenge, an academic year that brings with it a new experience for our student, namely, blended learning due to the repercussions of the Corona pandemic.Our covenant in you drear students is solid, that you will be distinguished and creative as you go through this new learning experience, which came from the keenness of those who in charge of the educational process to achieve the maximum scientific benefit while maintaining the conditions of safety and health procedures as the most important is to reduce the number of students who are present at the university in one day.Your college has completed all its preparations to receive you in your new academic year and, as you have entrusted it, will spare no effort and no means to overcome the difficulties that may be faced by its students.Although we lost our loved ones as our University lost its loved ones too because of the Corona pandemic, our deep condolences to them, we only say what satisfies our Lord, But it has only increased our determination, perseverance and motivation towards diligence, success and the exploitation of times. We, therefore, invite all of you to cooperate and join hands to succeed and complete the current academic year while adhering to all instructions, whether educational or health. Dear students,You must adhere to the online schedules as well as practical lectures (in laboratories) and comply with all instructions and directives issued by the deanship and scientific departments.I also remind you allthe need to abide by safety measures, for your health, keeping yourself safe and those around you.Finally, our joy today is boundless as you decorate the roads and buildings of your university with glue by your beautiful presence…The university would not be a university without you together from different sects, religions and races like the flowers combine in a homogeneous bouquet and differ in colour and smell.My sincere wishes to you for an academic year filled with success and excellence, May Almighty Allah saves you from all ills, giving you the grace of Health and safety.My office door, as you have known, will be open to you all to receive and hear all your cases. Happy new academic year.Prof. Dr. DhuhaBasheer Abdullah Albazaz The Dean

