20 September، 2021

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Statistics and Informatics

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Statistics and Informatics
In continuation of the scientific research movement and with the follow-up of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Duha Bashir Abdullah, the esteemed
On Monday, 20-9-2021, the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis by Hadi Salman Muhammad Hussein, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Zakaria Yahya Al-Jammal, entitled (Biased Linear Estimates in a Semi-parametric Regression Model).The thesis dealt with the topic of semi-parametric regression to estimate the parametric component of the semi-parametric partial linear regression model when it suffers from the problem of multilinearity using a proposed estimator (Tow-parameter estimator) compared to other estimation methods.
The thesis touched on other estimation methods compared to the proposed estimator. The simulation results showed that based on the average mean squared error (AMSE) as a criterion for comparison, the proposed estimator outperformed the rest of the methods. It was applied to real economic data taken from the official website of the World Bank, and the results were identical. The simulation results exceed the suggested estimate.
The thesis aims to compare the proposed estimator with other estimators using Monte Carlo simulation method to generate data that follow a semi-parametric partial linear regression model.The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ismail Nayef from Anbar University, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Haifa Abdel-Gawad Saeed and Assistant Professor Dr. Younis Hazem Ismail, and under the supervision and membership of Prof. Zakaria Yahya Al-Jammal.

