27 September، 2021

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Computer Science

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Monday, 09/27-2021, a master’s thesis on “Repairing Lost Speech in a Sentence in Arabic” by student Intisar Abdel Salam Asaad, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saif, titled (Recovery of Lost Speech in a Sentence) In the arabic language)The thesis presented by the student dealt with a very important topic about the treatment of speech, which has been attenuated and led to a lack of safety in reaching its content.The study dealt with the use of an innovative method to represent the reality of attenuation that occurs in speech by simulating mathematical methods to represent attenuation.The study aims to support researchers in the field of speech processing to be able to reconstruct what has been changed and attenuatedThe discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Farah Qais Abdullah from Al-Mustansiriya University – College of Science – Department of Computers and the membership of both Assistant Professor Dr. Zuhair Qais Al-Amin and Assistant Professor Sundus Khalil Ibrahim and under the supervision and membership of Prof. Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saif

