5 October، 2021

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Tuesday 5-10-2021, entitled (New cryptographic technique for enhancing security).
For the student Ammar Abdel Majid Gharbi and under the supervision of the assistant professor, Dr. Ahmed Sami Nouri
The thesis submitted by the student dealt with a proposal for a new method based on the integration of cryptography and cloaking science to improve security and to effectively repel the attack of brute force and some other attacks on them when sending an image containing confidential information.
The study dealt with the use of a method consisting of several steps:The first is to encrypt the message with the ElGamal algorithm, which is one of the public-key encryption methods for the purpose of achieving security and authentication. The second is to encrypt the message password with the Honey algorithm, which produces a valid-looking text, but it is fake to work and use, which are called sweet words. The third step is to collect and hide the data and variables of the ElGamal algorithm and the Honey algorithm. Inside the image by LSB random method and RGB three-color system and through the public key that is known to the sender and recipient and by applying the XOR function when hiding the data in the image).The study aims to adopt a computer model with modern specifications to achieve data security and is resistant to a number of the most important types of attacks, and this is what the message reached after application, and to measure the results achieved from the efficiency of the proposed system in terms of evaluation measures that showed good performance and high accuracy, such as the PSNR scale and the MSE scale.The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Qasim Muhammad Hussain/University of Tikrit – College of Petroleum and Mineral Engineering, Department of Petroleum Systems Control Engineering, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Sufian Salem Al-Dabbagh and Instructor Dr. Uday Hashem Al-Watar, under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Sami Nouri

