13 November، 2022

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Software Department Entitled (Prediction And Test Data Generation to Detect Software Error Using Artificial Intelligent)

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Software DepartmentEntitled (Prediction And Test Data Generation to Detect Software Error Using Artificial Intelligent)On Sunday 13/11/2022, the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis for the student (Mustafa Zaki Muhammed Yakoob), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed SalehThe thesis submitted by the student dealt with the design of a system for predicting software errors and a system for generating test data using artificial intelligence.The focus of this thesis is to create a system for predicting faulty modules using a set of machine learning algorithms. Besides, a test data generation system for the software under test was created in order to verify its functionality.The study purpose to solve development problems such as cost and time by detect software errors in the early stages of development and generating effective and optimal test data for the software under test.The scientific committee included the following members:

  1. Associate Prof. Dr. Nada Nima Salim (University of Mosul) / chairman
  2. Associate Prof. Dr. Abdul Sattar Muhammad Khader (Northern Technical University) / Member
  3. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Ghani Taha (University of Mosul) / member
  4. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Saleh (University of Mosul) / member and supervisor

