18 September، 2023

Mahmood Mohammed Mahmood’s M.Sc. Thesis ,from Computer Science Department, on Final Defense

M.Sc. Thesis Final Defense

As part of the academic activities of our college and the Department of Computer Science, Mahmood Mohammed Mahmood successfully passed his M.Sc. final defense of a thesis entitled “Towards Reinforcement of Real-Time Secure SDN-IoT” on Sept. 18, 2023.

Mahmood’s thesis addressed the issues in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the various challenges it faces as a result of the limited resources it possesses as well as the diversity of devices. One of the most important challenges it faces is security challenges, as these devices are vulnerable to many attacks, the most important of which is a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoD), where the attacker floods the victim with data packets, making services unavailable to legitimate users.

The thesis focused on the use of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) to provide protection for IoT networks. We have taken advantage of the features of SDN, which separate the control layer from the devices and place it in an independent device called the controller, which makes it easier to control the devices and place settings in them.

The thesis developed a model that monitors and analyzes sent packets, detects whether they are natural or attacked packets, and thwarts them if they are attacked packets in real-time.

The scientific committee included the following members:

  • Dr. Manar Younis Ahmed (University of Mosul)/ Chief
  • Dr. Dujan Basheer Taha/ Member
  • Associate Prof. Alyaa Moafaq Abdulamajeed/ Member
  • Dr. Dhuha Basheer Abdullah/ Advisor and Member

