26 August، 2024

Master’s thesis by student Ali Mohammed Hassan

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Mathematics Sciences entitled:

On 2 – Involution Clean Rings with Application  


In continuation of the scientific research movement and with the follow-up and presence of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics

   Prof. Dr. Duha Bashir Abdullah The esteemed

It was discussed in the discussion room at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Monday 26 -8-2024

Master’s thesis by student Ali Mohammed Hassan, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Raida D. Mahmood and Dr. Mohamed Th. Younis   .

An element a∈R is said to be involution clean if a=u+e, where e∈Id(R) and u∈Invo(R). The involution clean ring is ring with all element on it is involution clean element. In this thesis, a new definition was given, it is general than of involution clean and involution t-clean. The element a in R called two involution clean element, If it represents the sum of two involution elements u_1,u_2 and idempotent element e, such that a=u_1+u_2+e. A 2 – involution clean ring is ring with any element on it is a 2 – involution clean element. A 2 – involution clean ring is strongly 2 – involution clean ring, If u_1,u_2,e are commutative elements with each other. We gave the basic properties of these elements and rings and their relationship with involution – t – clean elements and the involution clean rings.

The scientific committee included the following members:

  • Prof. Ammar S. Mahmoud Chairman

2- Prof. Dr. Ahmed M. Ali    – Member.

        3- Assist. Prof. Dr. Dr. Baraa M. Suleiman- Member .


4- Prof. Dr. Raida D. Mahmood

Dr. Mohamed Th. Younis  supervisor.

