29 September، 2021
master’s thesis
A master’s thesis was discussed in the discussion room at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Wednesday 29/9/2021 by the student Roaa Saleh Muhammad Hassan and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Raeda Daoud Mahmoud, entitled:About QS Weak Regular RingsThe thesis dealt with a regular quasar ring, if for each x ∉ ƴ (Ɽ), then x ∈xⱤx .In this thesis, some new properties of this type of episodes and their relationship with the immersive episodes of . have been studiedStyle – JCP .Likewise, the ring Ɽ is said to be a weak regular ring of type S-right (left), if for each ɗ ∈Ɽ then (ɗ ∈ Ɽɗ2Ɽɗ) ɗ ∈ ɗⱤɗ2ⱤThe thesis aims to study a new class of rings, which are QS-weak regular rings, which is a generalization of S-weak regular rings. We give the basic properties of these rings and their relationship with quasi-regular rings and JCP immersive rings.The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Nizar Hamdoun Shukr, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Akram Salem Muhammad from Tikrit University, and Assistant Professor Dr. Nada Yassin Qassem, with membership and supervision by Prof. Raeda Daoud Mahmoud.