28 October، 2021

A master’s thesis was discussed in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul by the student Abdul-Khaleq Ahmed Hashem Muhammad

A master’s thesis was discussed in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Thursday, 10/28-2021, by the student Abdul-Khaleq Ahmed Hashem Muhammad and under the supervision of the assistant professor, Dr. Nabil Ezz Al-Din Aref, with the title:(graph polynomials of some structured graphs)This thesis deals with new equations and formulas for polynomials of colors for chains containing n of similar data. These data are superimposed in the series by several different methods, by the vertex, by the edge, by the path, or by the full statement.The thesis also touched on new equations and formulas for polynomials of colors for chains consisting of n pieces and each piece formed from k of different data. These pieces and data are attached to each other in the chain by several connecting methods (the head, by the edge, the path, or the complete statement).
I studied new equations for Schultz polynomials for a series consisting of the statement C4 n times and connected by the path P2, and a series consisting of the statement C5 n times and connected by the path P4, and a series of the statements C3 and C4 for n iterations connected by the path of P2, and for the series It consists of data C3 and C4 for n repeats linked by a Ras, and a series of data C3, C4 and C5 for n repeats linked by a Ras.The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Hirsch Omar Abdullah / Salah al-Din University / College of Science
And the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Ali and Assistant Professor Dr. Nada Yassin Qassem, under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Nabil Ezzedine Aref / Tikrit University / College of Computer Science and Mathematics.

