1 February، 2021

Strengthening The Relationship between College of C.S.M university of Mosul and College of C.S.M University of Tikrit

In order to ensure the continuity in communication with the corresponding colleges and various universities, Prof. Dr. Mrs. DhuhaBasheer Abdullah Albazaz, Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics, committee chairman of deans of the colleges of Information Technology, welcomed in her office this Monday, 4-1-2021, Asst. Prof. Dr. MazalHamadDawei Al-Obaidi the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics University of Tikrit. The meeting discussed scientific and research matters of mutual interest and ways to strengthen relations between the two Colleges and discussed the topic of hosting undergraduates students of the practical studies side in accordance with the ministerial instructions and provide possible facilities. The meeting also discussed the admission of postgraduate students and the possibility of achieving joint supervision between the two colleges.

