22 August، 2021

Discussion of a master’s dissertation in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Mathematics Sciences

Discussion of a master’s dissertation in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Mathematics Sciences – on Sunday 08/22/2021The master’s dissertation was discussed in the hall “Dr. Nidhal Al-Asadi”, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Mosul:”A study on the synthesis of explicit forms of polynomials for solving nonlinear partial differential equations”For the student, Marina Shirwan Hassan, under the supervision of the assistant professor, Dr. Ahmed Farouk Qassem.
The thesis dealt with the issue of developing and improving methods of polynomials in solving ordinary and partial heterogeneous linear and non-linear differential equations of the second order with variable coefficients. Ordinary and partial of the second order.
The discussion panel consisted of: Messrs.Ass. Prof Dr. Ikhlas Saadallah Ahmed – President
Ass. Prof Dr. Firas Adel Fawzy – Member
Ass. Prof Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Muhammad Amin – Member
Ass. Prof Dr. Ahmed Farouk Qassem – member and supervisor

The student obtained a master’s degree in mathematics.

