6 October، 2021

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul

A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Wednesday, 10-6-2021, entitled (Penal Support Vector Machine LP in High Two-Dimensional Classification)
The thesis dealt with the use of the Penal Support Vector Machine (LP) and a proposal to employ the Marine Predictors Algorithm in the high-dimensional two-dimensional classification for the purpose of reducing the size of the variables and thus obtaining a high classification.The thesis dealt with algorithms inspired by nature and machine learning algorithms, as well as verifying the efficiency of the marine predators algorithm that was employed and then testing its efficiency and accuracy and comparing it with the CV cross-crossing method for each of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and the Penal Support Vector Machine with L1 penalty (PSVM- L1), the Lp Penalty Support Vector Machine (PSVM-Lp) This was done by conducting simulation experiments and applying real data related to bioinformatics, including inhibitors of influenza virus (H1N1), leukemia and other diseases.It aims to suggest employing the marine predators algorithm and comparing it with the penal methods used for the purpose of reducing the volume of variables by choosing the best of them and thus obtaining a high classification with the highest classification accuracy and the least predictive error.
The discussion committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Zakaria Yahya Nouri, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Mazhar Khaled Abdel Hamid – Tikrit University, and Assistant Professor Dr. Baida Ibrahim Khalil, under the supervision and membership of the teacher, Dr. Yes Abdel Moneim Abdel Majid.

