26 June، 2022

Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics

Discussion of a higher diploma thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Statistics and Informatics entitled (Statistical analysis of the rank response variable: a comparative study)
Discussed in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Sunday, 26-6-2022, a higher diploma thesis. Statistical analysis of the rank response variable: a comparative study of the student Liqa’ Yassin Ahmed and under the supervision of the teacher, Dr. Zaid Tariq Saleh Al-Khalidi.
Response variables in biological phenomena vary between three types: numerical response variables, ordinal response variables, and nominal response variables. In statistical studies,The importance of the ordinal response variable is to determine the optimal statistical method for analyzing and modeling such type of data. Among the statistical methods used to analyze the ordinal response variable are the multiple linear regression method, and the ordinal logistic regression method. Where the mechanism of building models and estimating features theoretically has been clarified.
The application process was done on a real sample of patients with osteoporosis. Multiple models were built to determine the most important factors affecting the likelihood of developing the disease. The best model was diagnosed according to the AIC information standard and the BIC information standard. The two criteria were adopted in comparing the models.The results of the statistical analysis of the data proved that the ordinal logistic regression model is better than the multiple linear regression model in explaining the relationship between the response variable and the explanatory variables.The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Raya Salem Muhammad Ali and the membership of each of the Assistant Professor Dr. Ban Ghanem Omar, and under the supervision and membership of the teacher, Dr. Zaid Tariq Saleh Al-Khalidi.

