27 February، 2022

(Information Technology and Its Role in The National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption)

The College of Computer Science and Mathematics, In cooperation with the Women Empowerment Unit – Presidency of the University of Mosul, is holding The fourth electronic scientific workshop for the academic year 2021-2022 entitled:(Information Technology and Its Role in The National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption)The workshop aims to guide, educate, and raise awareness of lecturers and students about the role of information technology in the national strategy for integrity and anti-corruption.The workshop will be held via cyberspace at 9:00 PM BGT on Monday 28-2-2022 using Google Meet platform via the link:https://meet.google.com/jfh-qhgs-ikp.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
