23 March، 2022

Discussion of a higher diploma dissertation(Design and Implementation of a Distributed System for Managing Child Vaccines Case Study: The Arab Health Center in Mosul)

Discussion of a higher diploma dissertation in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Computer ScienceEntitled (Design and Implementation of a Distributed System for Managing Child Vaccines Case Study: The Arabi Health Center in Mosul)On Wednesday, 23/3-2022, the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul, a higher diploma disseration of the student Safa Ahmed Aziz was discussed under the supervision of the teacher, Dr. Ammar Zahir Yassin.The dissertation submitted by the student dealt with the transition from the traditional system for administering vaccines to the electronic system by designing a distributed system for the management of children’s vaccinations.The study dealt with the use of SQL Server databases and the C# programming language in the design of the system and its main interfaces, as well as the use of networks to connect the parts of a distributed system. As well as using text messages and sending them to the beneficiaries’ mobile devices.The study aims to build a central database to save children’s information as well as ensure that children are given vaccinations on time by reminding the date of the vaccine by sending text messages to mobile devices for parents of children.The discussion committee was chaired by Ass. Prof. Dr. Sufian Salem Al-Dabbagh, with the membership of Ass. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jajan Younes and Dr. Ammar Zaher Yassin – member and supervisor.

