18 May، 2022

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Statistics and Informatics

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Statistics and Informatics entitled (E-Bayesian Estimation of the Reliability and Failure Functions of the Kumaraswamy Distribution Raised Under Different Loss Functions)A master’s thesis was discussed at the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Wednesday, May 18-2022, by the student Mowaffaq Ibrahim Hassan and under the supervision of the teacher, Dr. Mahasin Saleh Al-Talib
The first research is estimating the parameters of the elevated Coomaraswamy distribution, and estimating the reliability and failure (risk) functions in three methods, namely, the greatest possibility method, the ordinary Bayesian method and the E-Bayesian method under the first symmetrical loss functions, which is a severe error loss function, and the second asymmetric is the Decrot loss function.Estimation was carried out in two data cases, which are complete data and type II control data. The results obtained from the theoretical side were applied to the generated samples of different sizes that follow the raised Coomaraswamy distribution with different values ​​of the parameters, and the results were compared using the mean squares error criterion. ), followed by the normal BES method and finally the greatest possibility method.
The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Haifa Abdel-Gawad Saeed, with the membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Munther Abdullah Khalil from the University of Tikrit, College of Computer Science and Mathematics, and Assistant Professor Dr. Muzahim Muhammad Yahya, under the supervision and membership of the teacher, Dr. Mahasin Saleh Al-Talib.

