24 September، 2023

Shahad Jalal Ahmed Al_taee ‘s M.Sc. Thesis ,from Computer Science Department, on Final Defense

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Software Department

Entitled (Software vulnerability Detection)


In continuation of the movement of scientific research and in the presence and follow-up of the respected Mrs. Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Duha Bashir Abdullah, the esteemed

On Sunday 24/9/2023, the College of Computer Science and  Mathematics at the University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis for the student (Shahad Jalal Ahmed Al_taee), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dujan Basheer Taha

The thesis submitted by the student dealt with the design of an Algorithm for predicting software vulnerability using artificial intelligence.

“A system for predicting vulnerable software using a set of deep learning algorithms.”. Besides, a test data generation system for the software under test was created in order to verify its functionality.

“The study aims to address hacking and vulnerability issues, by detecting software errors in the early stages of development and generating effective and optimal test data for the software under test.” The scientific committee included the following members:

  1. Dr. Safwan Omar Hassoun/ chairman
  2. Associate Prof. Dr. Nada Nima Salim / Member
  3. Prof Shahad Abdul Rahman Hasso / member
  4. Dr. Dujan Basheer Taha / member and supervisor

