4 September، 2024

doctoral thesis of the student (Hafal Haji Amin Mahmoud)

Discussion of the doctoral thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Computer Science

Titled (Developing a knowledge base for parsing textual models from the Holy Quran)

In continuation of the scientific research movement and with the follow-up and attendance of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics, Professor Dr. Duha Bashir Abdullah, the respected

The doctoral thesis of the student (Hafal Haji Amin Mahmoud) was discussed in the discussion hall of the College of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on 04-09-2024, under the supervision of (Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Sattar Muhammad Khader)

  • The thesis submitted by the student dealt with (Developing knowledge bases for parsing texts from the Holy Quran)
  • The study also touched on the use of the method of (Using natural language processing – word embeddings. The neural network was used. The distinctive word feature is trained using the neural network input word property, which consists of two layers. This study used a knowledge base consisting of 160 elements, 26 of which were selected as particularly relevant to the case Grammar.
  • This study aims to analyze the sentences in the Holy Quran grammatically according to each grammatical section.

The discussion committee consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Shahba Ibrahim Khalil/ University of Mosul / College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Chairman

Prof. Dr. Ayad Rawdan Abbas / University of Technology/Department of Computer Science– Member

Prof. Dr. Najla Akram Younis/ University of Mosul / College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Alaa Yassin Taha/ University of Mosul / College of Education for Pure Sciences – Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Jajan Younis/ University of Mosul / College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Member

Assistant Professor Dr. Abdul Sattar Muhammad Khader/ Mosul Technical Institute/Northern Technical University – Member and Supervisor

