10 November، 2024
Ph.D. Dissertation by student Rajaa Youins Mhoo Alhamdani

Discussion of Ph.D Dissertation in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Mathematics Sciences entitled:
“ Oscillation and Stability of Solutions for some delayed differential
equations “
It was discussed in the discussion room at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul on Thursday, 7 -11-2024
Ph.D. Dissertation by student Rajaa Youins Mhoo Alhamdani, under the supervision of Assist. Prof. Dr. Thair Younis Thanoon
Delay differential equations consists of time lags (also called hereditary, memories, retarded arguments, past actions, dead time) are often encountered in many real-life, problems, such as in chemistry, engineering, physics, medicine, etc. So, many complex models are constructed using delay differential equations, in which the delay terms may be constants or functions of the dependent (independent) variables.
The scientific committee included the following members:
- Prof. Abdulghafoor Jasim Salim– Chairman
- Dr. Akram Hassan Mahmood- Member.
- Prof. Dr. Waleed Mohammed Fathi- Member.
- Dr. Mohammed Shami Hasso- Member.
- Dr. Saad Fawzi Jasim- Member.
- Prof. Dr. Thair Younis Thanoon– Member and supervisor.