Department of Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques
Department of Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques (ORIT)
The department of Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques is established in 2010 as a department in the College of Computer Sciences and Mathematics. The actual beginning was in 2007 when the department was as a branch in the department of Statistics. The idea behind establishing this department is the importance of the new discipline, the significant research and teaching activities in a different area that had developed in several departments. Thence, the need for exploring the possibility of coordinating these activities.
Vision, Message and Aims Vision:
The department seeks to maintain a distinguished scientific reputation and possess graduates’ knowledge, skill and ability to make optimal decisions in scientific life.
The Operations Research and Intelligent Techniques department should be a pioneer center in education and scientific research and a contributor to the community with highly qualified scientific cadres.
1- Continuous aspiration towards superiority in education and scientific research.
2- Train students and develop their abilities to interact and communicate with others and prepare them for the labor market.
3- Acquire scientific and practical skills through graduation projects and field training.
4- Qualifying the undergraduate students to postgraduate in the field of operations research and Intelligent Techniques.
5- Preparation of specialized scientific staff in the graduate program and interaction with other sciences.
Assist. prof. Dr. Niam Abdulmunim Abdulmajeed
Head of Department
Bologna Programme Guide – Operations Research 2023-2024
Bologna Course Guide – Operations Research
Course Description According to the Bologna System for the Department of Operations Research