discussion in college of computer sciences and mathematics
The student (Ali Hashem) of theM.Sc. /Computer department/ college of computer sciences and mathematicsdiscussed his research thesis
discussion in college of computer sciences and mathematics
The student (Talal Fadel) of thePh.D./mathmatics department/ college of computer sciences and mathematics discussed his research thesis
The dean of Computer Science and mathematics Prof. Dr. Nizar Hamdoun thanks Ms. Nora Sohel
The dean of Computer Science and mathematics Prof. Dr. Nizar Hamdoun thanks Ms. Nora Sohel to get college web site for first place
The dean of Computer Science and mathematics Prof. Dr. Nizar Hamdoun thanks Mrs. Asmaa Muwaffaq
The dean of Computer Science and mathematics Prof. Dr. Nizar Hamdoun thanks Mrs. Asmaa Muwaffaq to get college web site for first place
discussion in college of computer sciences and mathematics
The student -Foaad Shokr Mahmood-of theDeploma./Statistics and Information Department /College of Computer Science and Mathematics will discusshis research thesis at the discussion hall in the college at 16/4/2013
discussion in college of computer sciences and mathematics
The student -Ali Ensaf Gasem-of theDeploma./ Computer Department /College o/f/ Computer Science and Mathematics will discuss his research thesis at the discussion hall in the college at 8/4/2013
University of Mosul sent Dr.Basam Ali a letter of thankfulness and appreciation for his work, and for the College of Computer Science and Mathematics won first place at the level of Iraqi universities in completing [Read More]
University of Mosul sent Dr.Mohameed Ahmed a letter of thankfulness and appreciation for his work, and for the College of Computer Science and Mathematics won first place at the level of Iraqi universities in completing [Read More]
University of Mosul sent Dr. Ahmed Mohameed a letter of thankfulness and appreciation for his work, and for the College of Computer Science and Mathematics won first place at the level of Iraqi universities in [Read More]
University of Mosul sent Dr. Dafer Ramadan a letter of thankfulness and appreciation for his work, and for the College of Computer Science and Mathematics won first place at the level of Iraqi universities in [Read More]
The student (Yaser Abd Al-Alee) of the Sc. /soft waredepartment / college of computer sciences and mathematics discussed his research thesis
The student (Yaser Abd Al-Alee) of theSc. /soft waredepartment/ college of computer sciences and mathematics discussed his research thesis
The discussion for the M.S.C student (Abd AL-Bary Mohammed Hassan) /college of computer sciences
The discussion for the M.S.C student (Abd AL-Bary Mohammed Hassan) /Computer department/ college of computer sciences and mathematics for his research thesis which will be on Monday 18/3/2013 at 9 o'clock at the discussion hall [Read More]
The student (Nagam Salem Mohammed ) of the M.S.c. /Computerdepartment / college of computer sciences and mathematics discussed his research thesis
The student (Nagam Salem Mohammed ) of theM.S.c. /Computerdepartment/ college of computer sciences and mathematics discussed his research thesis
Mr. (Bashar Abd AL-Azez) has been upgrade
Mr. (Bashar Abd AL-Azez) has been upgrade from the rank of lecture to the rank of assistant professor effected as of 28/6/2012 in Computer Sciences and Mathematics
Mr. (Basem Abass Hassan) has been upgrade
Mr. (Basem Abass Hassan) has been upgrade from the rank of lecture to the rank of assistant professor effected as of 24/6/2012 in Computer Sciences and Mathematics
Miss. (Maha Abd al Rahman Haso) has been upgrade from the rank of lecture to the rank of assistant professor effected as of 24/6/2012
Miss. (Maha Abd al Rahman Haso) has been upgrade from the rank of lecture to the rank of assistant professor effected as of 24/6/2012
Mr. Khalil Ibrahem AL-Saef in Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent toTunisia
Mr. Khalil Ibrahem AL-Saef in Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent toTunisia to participate in theStates Conference of Applied Information Technology for 20-22-1-2013
Mr. Safaa Younis in Computer Sciences and Mathematics
Mr. Safaa Younis in Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent to University of Qadisiyah to disccuss Sc. student date 21/1/2013.
Mr. Safaa Younis in Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent to University of Qadisiyah
Mr. Safaa Younis in Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent to University of Qadisiyah to disccuss Ph.D. student date 24/1/2013.
Mr. Nazar Hamdoon the Dean of Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent to Salahaddin University to disccuss Ph.D. student
Mr. Nazar Hamdoon the Dean of Computer Sciences and Mathematics has been sent to Salahaddin University to disccuss Ph.D. student.