Vision , Mission , objective of Computer Science Department
The Vision of Computer Science Department
The department aspires to be a pioneer in the field of computer science, as its interest is focused on developing and employing contemporary technology and computer systems to serve the scientific process and enrich society with it.
The Message of Computer Science Department
The department seeks to contribute effectively to preparing and graduating efficient and distinguished cadres in the field of contemporary technology and computer systems, with various primary and higher degrees, to serve the community.
The objectives of the computer science department
1. Providing the various sectors of the labor market and society with professionally qualified scientific cadres for software development.
2. Developing the abilities of undergraduate and postgraduate students to positively and effectively participate in community service.
3. Strengthening the link with society by linking scientific research with the problems facing state institutions and the private sector through the development of applied research.
4. Giving importance to scientific cooperation with the corresponding departments in the field of scientific research, studies and research.
5. Integration with other disciplines in order to find new scientific solutions.
6. Gaining the skills to present ideas and work within one team through cooperative learning, scientific activities and graduation projects.