
Master’s thesis by (Ahmed Abdulhadi Ahmed Jadoua)

Discussion of the master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics -Department of Statistics and Informatics Department entitled: " Bais-reduced Maximum likelihood estimator for some mutiparameters statistical survival distributions"   In continuation of [Read More]


master’s thesis by :Rehab Talal Ahmed

Discussion of the master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics -Department of Statistics and Informatics Department entitled: " Employing A fuzzy  logic For Diagnosing (ARFIMA)Models With application" In continuation of the scientific [Read More]


master’s thesis by Dalal Nofal Hamid Al-Rawi

Defense of a master's thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics - Department of Computer Science entitled: (Developing a Deep Learning AI-based data analytics technique of Electronic Health Records) Developing AI-based data analytics [Read More]


(Improving the machine learning algorithm to measure the quality of software) Student: Zakaria Abdel Wahed Hamid

Discussion of the PhD thesis of Computer Science in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics - Department of Computer Science entitled (Improving the machine learning algorithm to measure the quality of software) In continuation [Read More]


 ” An Improved Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Algorithms  ” by student  Saja Othman Mohammad Tawfiq

Discussion of a Doctorial Dissertation  in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics - Department of Mathematics Sciences entitled:  " An Improved Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Algorithms  " In continuation of the scientific research movement and [Read More]


(The Academic Capital Dynamics of the Scientific Research in Iraq: A Cloud Big Data Parallel Computing Approach) by student Nagham Ajeel Sultan

Discussion of a doctoral thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics entitled (The Academic Capital Dynamics of the Scientific Research in Iraq: A Cloud Big Data Parallel Computing Approach) by student Nagham Ajeel [Read More]


A master’s thesis by (Nagham Ibrahim Abdullah)

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics - Department of Informatics and Informatics entitled: Different Methods of Parameter Estimation for some Mixture Survival Distributions with Application. In continuation of [Read More]

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