10 November، 2020

” A Psycholinguistic Study of Verbal Aggression in English and Russian Literary Discourse”

On Tuesday the 10th of November the discussion of the MA thesis entitled ” A Psycholinguistic Study of Verbal Aggression in English and Russian Literary Discourse” by the student Iuliia Igorevna Bakai was held at the hall “Abi Tammam” of the Arabic DepartmentThe discussion committee involved the following respectable academic members:
1- Prof. Basim Yahya Jasim. (The chairman).
2- Prof. Ibraheem Huthr Salo. (Member).
3- Asst. /Dr. Iman Hamed Mohammad. (Member).
4- Prof. Mohammad Hamza Kan’an. (Member & supervisor).The discussion committee approved the thesis with minor corrections.
In this study,done by Iuliia Igorevna Bakai,entitled “A Psycholinguistic Study of Verbal Aggression in English and Russian Literary Discourse”, Aggressive expressions have certain linguistic and psycholinguistic features which characterize literary discourse in both English and Russian languages.One of the main problems of modern psycholinguistics is the search for optimal means of speech communication which is actualized in the term “speech behavior”. In this study, aggression is defined as a peculiar form of communicative behavior which is present in the linguistic resources of both English and Russian languages. This study aims at investigating the types and forms of aggression expressions in both English and Russian literary discourse as well as the differences among the types and hence revealing the the hidden implications behind using such expressions.To achieve the aim 150 extracts from the novel “Crime and Punishment” by the Russian novelist F.M. Dostoevsky and 100 extracts from the novel “A Farewell to Arms” by the English novelist E. Hemingway have been analysed within Anderson and Bushman’s General Aggression Model.

