7 November، 2022

The Left wing and its political Role in Egypt 1952-1981

⁧ The Department of History at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis entitled: (The Left wing and its Political Role in Egypt 1952-1981), on Monday 7/11/2022, part of which was attended by Prof. Dr. Hazem Thanoun Ismail Al-Sabawi, Dean of the College of Education and a number of faculty teachers.
The thesis, presented by the student (Saif Yahya Mohamed Edham) in the history Department, addressed the Left as one of the influential political currents on the Egyptian scene during the reigns of President Gamal Abdel Nasser and President Mohamed Anwar Sadat.
The thesis dealt with the role of the left as a popular current and parties in Egyptian political life and its stance towards the most prominent events witnessed by Egypt, such as the revolution of July 23, 1952, the tripartite aggression against Egypt in 1956, the setback of 1967, the October War of 1973, the policy of economic openness adopted by President Sadat, the Camp David Accords and the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty of 1979.
The thesis aimed to clarify the nature of the relationship between the authority in Egypt and the parties of the left as one of the active forces on the Egyptian political scene, and the fluctuations that this relationship has gone through, starting with support, then opposition, and then dissolution in the organizations of powerChaired the Discussion Committee:
Prof. Dr. Zakir Mohieddin Abdullah
The membership of Prof. Dr. Yousef Mohammed Aidan and Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Younis Ismail, and under the supervision and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Mahdi Khalil

